Let us pray for one another.

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I prayed for this

Prayed for 6 times.


On October 4th my husband had his appendix removed and then on November 6th I had a ectopic pregnancy and have to have emergency surgery and they had to take both my tubes because I had an ectopic pregnancy 4 years ago. We don't have insurance we make too much to get help and don't make enough to help ourselves. This has been really hard on us because we owe over $90,000 between us both on medical bills and this is our fourth pregnancy loss after our daughter we had her July 2017 and she's been the best blessing ever and we're just trying to have prayers that we could figure out how to pay our medical bills and to get through this tough time that we're going through

Received: December 1, 2023

Powered by Prayer Engine


I prayed for this

Prayed for 6 times.


On October 4th my husband had his appendix removed and then on November 6th I had a ectopic pregnancy and have to have emergency surgery and they had to take both my tubes because I had an ectopic pregnancy 4 years ago. We don't have insurance we make too much to get help and don't make enough to help ourselves. This has been really hard on us because we owe over $90,000 between us both on medical bills and this is our fourth pregnancy loss after our daughter we had her July 2017 and she's been the best blessing ever and we're just trying to have prayers that we could figure out how to pay our medical bills and to get through this tough time that we're going through

Received: December 1, 2023

Powered by Prayer Engine