Laura Story (2012 Grammy Award Winner for Best Contemporary Christian Music Song – Blessings) recently stopped by the STAR 93.3 studio. We asked Laura to share a story with us about the impact of Christian radio. The story she shared reminded us what a difference this ministry is making. You never know what the person next to you is going through, what battle they’re facing and if they’re facing it alone. Thank you for supporting STAR 93.3, and know that your support is impacting lives all over Cincinnati.
Finding Hope Through Christian Radio – Laura Story
Hey, this is Laura Story and I’m here at STAR 93.3 and I’m so excited to get to share some things with you today.
I was at an event in Augusta, Georgia and I got to meet this woman who she and her husband moved there a few years earlier and he had left her within about six months of being there with these two young kids. She was basically falling apart. Had never been to church, she didn’t know anything about God. She was eating breakfast at a restaurant that was playing Christian music. She sat there and was listening to that local station playing these songs about who God was, the fact that there was a God who had a perfect plan for her life, that loved her more than she could ever know. She said she just began to weep and that is what brought her into church. She got to hear more about God, and raise her children in a way where they knew they may not have an earthly father, but they have a Heavenly Father who loves them more than they could ever know.
I always think back to that story and remember how powerful Christian radio is. Not just because it’s proclaiming the goodness of God and who He is over the air waves. But it’s actually reaching people who are never stepping foot into a church. Any support you give to Christian Radio is furthering that kind of ministry.