Story Behind “Follow Through” by UNSPOKEN

On this week’s Behind The Mic, Chad Mattson and Mike Gomez, from UNSPOKEN, share the story behind their recent song “Follow Through” and what it means to them. If you or someone you know is struggling to finish the race they’re in, share this story with them and maybe they’ll be encouraged knowing that Jesus is our lifeline.

Story Behind “Follow Through” by UNSPOKEN

Mike Gomez: Paul talked a lot about running a race and finishing strong. I feel like it is easy to start something but it can be so hard to finish it. We want to finish strong, as musicians, as fathers, and as husbands.

Chad Mattson: The tendency for believers is to give our lives to God. He comes in, changes us completely around, and we’re pumped that we’ve been made a new creation. Then years down the road we find ourselves facing disappointments, life happens, and our tendency isn’t to climb, it’s to decline.

Follow Through” is a song saying, we want to finish stronger than we started. We want that to be the legacy for our family and our ministry. That we’re going to run after Jesus, more now, than we did before. It’s awesome to remember when I was a drug addict and when I’m now 14 years clean, I need God just as much now as I did then.

Mike Gomez: You probably need Him more. lol

Chad Mattson: Yeah probably… It’s something we don’t think about. We think we’re doing all right, but the fact is, Jesus is our lifeline, He is our breath, our everything.

“Jesus is our lifeline, He is our breath, He is our everything.” – Chad Mattson


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