In this week Behind the Mic Blanca shares the story behind her song “Real Love”. As her mom battles with cancer, she notices something different in her eyes. She asked, “Mom what are you thinking?” and her Mom’s response leaves her speechless.
Story Behind “Real Love” by Blanca
“What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” – A.W. Tozer
Eight months ago I was sitting with my mom during one of the last days of her life. The cancer had taken its toll on her body. But in that moment, the pain that I saw in her eyes was different. I could tell her mind was somewhere else. I asked her, “Mom what are you thinking?” She said she was scared and she didn’t know what was next for her. I was speechless… She said, “People tell me to just have faith and to believe.” And through her tears, she said, “Don’t you think I’m trying? Don’t you think I believe? I’m trying and yet I’m still sick. God feels so far away.”
The enemy is very slick in those moments. To project my mom’s fears on me. What if, my mom never goes to heaven. What if I never see her again. I was so overcome by fear for her and I was angry. Angry because I wanted to punch everyone who had come to my mom and told her to doubt God’s love for her. Made her feel like somehow she failed because she hadn’t been healed.
I knew that wasn’t their intention, but I wanted to protect her. It made me sad to think that she believed the lie that she wasn’t good enough for God. That her faith somehow wasn’t strong enough and somehow through the mistakes that she had made, that He could love her any less. In that moment. I was overcome by God’s love for her, for the both of us. I had some of the sweetest conversations with my mom that day. I will never forget that day for the rest of my life. We both knew He had us covered.
Words From A Friend
A dear friend sent these words to me and I want to declare them over you today.
There is nothing you can do that can make God love you more. There’s also nothing you can do that can make Him love you any less. He loves you because He loves you because He loves you because He loves you because He loves you because He loves you because that is who He is. That is what He is like. It is His nature to love. And you will always be the beloved.
His love is unchanging and He loves you 100 percent. He won’t love you any better when you become better. He loves you 100 percent right now. Even if you have no plans to become better, He still loves you 100 Percent. Because He loves you because that’s the way that He is. What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us. What comes into my mind when I think about God is, Real Love. ❤️