STAR 93.3 Personalities

Joe Jacobs 933 Headshot

Joe Jacobs

Sundays 8P - 12AM

Kevin and Amy Headshot

Kevin and Amy

Monday-Friday: 7PM - 10PM

Alex Headshot 93.3

Alex Young

Sunday: 4PM - 8PM

Kristen Skip 4648

The STAR Morning Show with Skip & Kristen

Monday-Friday: 6AM - 10AM
Saturday: 8AM - 12PM

Brant and Sherri DJ photo

The Brant Hansen Show

10AM - 3PM
12PM - 4PM

Chad Mitchell in a black shirt smiling

Chad Mitchell

Monday-Friday: 3PM - 7PM
Saturday: 4PM - 8PM

Devin Almonte DJ photo

Devin Almonte

Sunday: 8AM - 12PM

Chris Adams DJ photo with name 1

Chris Adams

8PM – 12AM

Michael Leach DJ photo

Michael Leach

Host of STAR Cares
Sunday: 6AM

Terese Main DJ photo

Terese Main

12PM - 4PM