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Please share just your first name, and click the submit button only once. Please pray for my husband of 37 ½ who has been having a long-term affair discovered in recent months. He had been a pastor for nearly 30 yrs. Please pray for him that he would be set free from this delusion and chains of bondage he has succumbed to. Please pray he would stop believing the lies of the enemy and those he has told himself. Please pray he would be overcome with Godly sorrow that leads to repentance. Pray that he would find no pleasure, fulfillment, fun, peace in this relationship with her and his life of sin. I pray that all ties with her would be forever severed. Please pray he would run back to Jesus, his family and I. Please pray his pride would be decimated and that he would have humility and turn back to God and us. I just need a Christmas miracle, but I'm not sure I believe in miracles anymore.
My husband is a full time substitute school teacher in Lebanon, Ohio. He had what should have been a routine surgery a few days before Thanksgiving, but things went bad, and he has spent most of the last 3 weeks in the hospital. He also has major heart issues, and he won't be able to return to work until at least January 7.
I can't even think about Christmas! I'm just trying to figure out how to get groceries and pay for gas to get him to doctor appointments until he starts getting paid again. We have an adult son with autism who is terrified that his dad will die, and I hate knowing that not only can't we have Christmas, but that we will struggle to make sure he has daily food and that his monthly appointments may have to be cancelled also. I'm so alone and scared right now and I don't know where to turn. I wanna pray for my next door neighbor her names Dianna and she broke both her legs and she needs all the strength she can get keep her in her prayers. Can you please pray for my Uncle Phil? He is extremely sick. Can you also pray for his salvation? Thank you very much I am desperately seeking new employment and I going on and interview last week I've had two interviews so far with this company and all was well at least I thought it was but now everything has kind of gone silent and are desperately need a new job as I'm running out of everything and quite honestly I don't know what would happen once all of my friends are gone I don't have family here I'm alone in Cincinnati so please pray for me that I'm able to find a job soon and I'll be praying to and hopefully he'll answer Thank you so much Donald.
Too,Received Salvation and Water Baptism in Jesus Name. My name is Floyd please pray for me i am traveling from California to Illinois please pray for gods traveling grace and mercy a hedge of protection around me and wisdom in my situation I have a lot on my plate right now my boss isn’t being very kind to me she has cut my hours so I have to deal with the stress of that. My husband has alittle less than three weeks before he’s open heart surgery and with my boss pulling what’s she’s pulling it doesn’t really look like it’ll happen he needs this surgery done and my little family is really struggling with this. At this point I really have no other choice but to turn to the lord for help because none of our fundraisers have worked and our outcry hasn’t worked either. Some days all I can do is cry and some days I’m just so numb I don’t know how to feel. We are very blessed to have our babies and that’s what keeps us going. God,I’m asking for miraculous intervention. I pray the prednisone shots work and my mom’s hearing is restored. Help me to keep faith and remember You are the great physician.DO YOU HAVE A MOMENT TO PRAY FOR ANOTHER LISTENER IN NEED?
Received: December 18, 2024
Received: December 18, 2024
Received: December 18, 2024
Received: December 18, 2024
Received: December 17, 2024
Received: December 17, 2024
Received: December 17, 2024
Received: December 16, 2024
Received: December 16, 2024
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