Let us pray for one another.

Prayer is more than just words spoken. We believe it’s our communication with God, our Father. He loves and cares about each of our needs. Feel free to share your prayer request and let others know you’re praying for them.

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You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like! Please share just your first name, and click the submit button only once.



Hello everyone I'm requesting prayer for guidance in the right direction, because iv really need to make a change, also please pray that my kids will stop skipping school an get there education,

Thank you for praying for me

Received: October 4, 2024


Hello everyone I'm requesting prayer for godly people to protect what God has place in me, an that they want take a advantage of me, or use me in the wrong way, also I'm requesting prayer for a financial breakthrough in Jesus name , an for a job can come through for me, so I can take care of my family,...

Thank you for praying for me and my family

Received: October 4, 2024


Hello everyone I'm requesting prayer to manifest the fruits of the spirit an to stand on God's word an to do God's will in my life, I'm also requesting prayer for my memory to be restored in Jesus name, I need prayer to not feel rejected or be scared what men can do unto me, please pray that God will get ny children attention an that they will fall to there knee's an surrender in jesus name, thank you for praying for me

Received: October 4, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


Father in the name of Jesus please heal deliver an sat free the person that's reading this, lord please give them and there family a breakthrough in Jesus name, no please let no weapon form against them shall prosper in Jesus name, lord please bind the devil on ever hand an defeat the purpose of the enemy in Jesus name, lord bless them to be the head an not the tail, above an not beneath in Jesus name, dear God have mercy on there family in Jesus name, help them to come to the truth witch is you God, please comfort them in this time of need in Jesus name, lord please protect there family from all hurt harm an danger in Jesus name, lord please loose your angels to camp around there in Jesus name, lord please bless them to be accounted worthy to escape the things that's coming upon this world an to stand before the son of men in Jesus name, lord please have your way in there life like never before, please comfort them in this time of need in Jesus name i pray amen

Received: October 4, 2024


Please pray for our family. My husband got laid off from his job on Tuesday and my income is not enough to make ends meet. He had an interview today pray that God Blesses him and our family with a new job!.

Received: October 4, 2024


Hello everyone I'm requesting prayer for my pastors that they will stop being so mean to me and that God will lead an guide me what church to go to in Jesus name amen

Received: October 4, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


Hello everyone I'm requesting prayer for my weight loss journey, iv struggle for a while now due to depression an anxiety

An bipolar disorder, may you please pray that I be stable in all my ways an that I will go through the whole journey safely even when it's time to do the surgery,

Thank you for praying for me

Received: October 4, 2024


Hello everyone I'm requesting prayer for my children,.. please pray that they attend school an stop skipping school an getting into drugs,... Also they have been rising up against me, thank you for praying for me

Received: October 4, 2024


My husband is being forced to stay away from me because of lies being spoken against me. Please pray that my husband won't believe in lives of the enemy is trying to get him to believe. Please pray that my husband will come back into his right mind. Please pray that I will be reunited with my husband and that he will be able to live with me. We go to court this morning please pray that God will grant us favor and drop all charges against him. Also asking for prayer that his families hearts would be softened towards me, that they would forgive me for putting my son before my husband, and that they will allow me to have contact with my husband again. Please pray for my husband and my marriage and relationship. Please pray from my son that he would forgive me that God will protect him and make a way for him and may God would save him thank you so much for your prayers.

Received: October 4, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


I'm asking for prayer for myself and my husband today. I go to court this morning at 9:00 a.m. eastern standard time. To test the file on my husband's behalf. Please pray with me that God will drop these charges against my husband. Aside from legal issues, my husband is being forced to stay away from me and not to call me. His friend is trying to force me to divorce him. His family has told and spoken lies against me and my family. Please pray that my husband won't believe the lies that they speak. Recently found out that my husband's marijuana was laced, and he just hasn't been the same since. Please pray that God will heal his mind, his brain, his body, his spirit and his soul. Please pray with me that my husband will come back into his right mind. Please pray that his heart will draw closer to God's heart and that his heart will also draw closer to mine. Please pray for me that the lies that are being spoken against me will be revealed.

Received: October 4, 2024

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