Let us pray for one another.

Prayer is more than just words spoken. We believe it’s our communication with God, our Father. He loves and cares about each of our needs. Feel free to share your prayer request and let others know you’re praying for them.

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I prayed for this

Prayed for 18 times.


I had cancer in 2023. I almost died the first week I was going through Chemo. Gratefully my daughter and husband were there when my heart stopped. I thank god every day for them being there to save my life and allowing me to have another day to be with my family and friends.

I had finished my treatments, surgery's and recovering in 2024. With a few bumps in the road.

Please pray for me and my family, that I remain healthy and cancer free.

Thank you.

Received: December 10, 2024

Powered by Prayer Engine


I prayed for this

Prayed for 18 times.


I had cancer in 2023. I almost died the first week I was going through Chemo. Gratefully my daughter and husband were there when my heart stopped. I thank god every day for them being there to save my life and allowing me to have another day to be with my family and friends.

I had finished my treatments, surgery's and recovering in 2024. With a few bumps in the road.

Please pray for me and my family, that I remain healthy and cancer free.

Thank you.

Received: December 10, 2024

Powered by Prayer Engine