Your Story Matters Name* First Last Email* Your StoryTell us how God has used STAR 93.3 in your life?*What songs are particularly meaningful to you?How would you describe STAR 93.3 to a friend who’s never heard the station before?Share Your PhotoAccepted file types: jpg, png, jpeg, Max. file size: 50 MB.Photo Consent I own this photo and I give STAR 93.3 permission to use the photo I submitted in association with my first name and story. Social Media Profile(s)We can tag you on social media if we share your story. Select which platforms we may tag you on. Facebook Instagram Facebook Profile URL* Instagram Profile Name* Consent* I grant STAR 93.3 permission to share my story or a portion of my story with their audience to help share the hope of Jesus Christ and encourage others.Please confirm you are human. 😁