Mid-day Motivation : “Fear is Not From God”

We all have to deal with fear in our lives, and there are moments when  it can be jarring.  It can keep us from discovering things in our lives that God intends to use for good.  But when we believe and trust that God is our strength and that He stands with us when we face our fears, we have courage.  It is not always easy, so it is nice to be reminded!  I hope this devotional I came across  from Buidling 429′s Frontman Jason Roy helps to build that courage!


“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”  
– 2 Timothy 1:7, NKJV

I’ll never forget this verse as long as I live because it was the FIRST scripture I remember my mom teaching me when I was a child.  I don’t know why it was the first, but today I would guess that mom knew what I didn’t… that Satan would attack my heart with fear more than anything else in my lifetime.  She would be right even to this day.  I still hear all of the same voices today that I did when I was a child, but thankfully today I understand how to fight the lies so much better.  

  • Nobody loves you
  • Nobody wants you to win
  • They’re all laughing at you
  • God is ashamed of you
  • You’ll never make your parents proud
  • You’ll never be successful at anything

I still hear the same voices, but as my mother used to say: “Sometime’s you’ve got to tell the devil to SHUT UP.” I don’t know what fear you are facing today but this scripture has become bedrock principle in my personal fight with fear. When you feel fear, you can know that it is not God speaking those words into your ears. The mind God has promised you is clear, strong, and more than able to deal with whatever He allows into your life. You can claim that sound mind today. You can do this…. why? Because He said you could. So today choose to walk with the spirit of POWER, LOVE and SOUND MIND.


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