National Adoption Month: One Adoptive Parent’s Story

In the most recent Republican U.S. Presidential debate, former Governor of New Jersey Chris Christie, said this, “we need to be pro-life for the whole life,’ not just in womb.” 

Please understand, I’m not here to advocate for Governor Christie or for any of his policies, but I do agree with him that our commitment as pro-life people should not stop at saving babies but continue for the health and well-being of one’s whole life.  And while this topic is too broad to cover in this post, I would like to suggest that adoption is one way that those of us in the pro-life community can make a difference.

November is National Adoption Month. As adoptive parents of two children, my wife and I celebrate daily the blessings of this miracle in our lives.

We began our first adoption process 12 months before Alex, our son, finally arrived.  The year was 1985 and travel restrictions were different back then, but outside of that, as it relates to international adoption, much is the same now as it was then.  We had home inspections and wrote letters to our agency describing our marriage, home life, and our interest in adopting a Korean child. We saved our money for the expense involved. 

(It’s a miracle story how the Lord provided for our first adoption, but we’ll save it for another time.) 

Alex was 3-months old when I walked onto the plane and took him out to meet family and friends.  He and another baby traveled from Seoul, Korea to Chicago, Illinois.  He was literally lying in a cardboard mail crate with a can of formula, a pair of rubber shoes, and he was wearing two sets of clothes; that’s it!  It was amazing then and we are grateful still today for the opportunity to be his parents. 

Five years later, our second adoption was stateside and involved our daughter, Jodi.  She was just 36-hours old when we took her home from the Chicago hospital.  And while it’s been many years since her adoption, for her sake and ours, we don’t share all the details regarding her arrival for privacy’s sake, but suffice it to say, no regrets and she is an amazing young woman!

As you think about this important topic, here are just a few statistics for you to consider:

  • 1 in 35 children in the United States is adopted
  • The most common form of adoption in the U.S. is stepparent adoption
  • There are over 400,000 foster care children in the United States currently in the foster care system.
    • More than 50,000 children are adopted through foster care every year. 
    • Of these foster care children, more than 100,000 are waiting to be adopted into a forever family.
    • That’s 100,000 foster care children who need the support, stability, and unconditional love a family can provide.

For those of you considering adoption, it is a life-changing experience for both you and the adopted child.  But let’s be honest, there are challenges too.

So, if you are wondering about the next steps, please find a reputable agency and they can answer your questions.  (Besides a Google search for agencies, check with your local church or denomination; plus, trusted friends as there are many good faith-based agencies for you to check out.)

In the meantime, let’s continue to fight the good fight of faith for the unborn, newborn, and those families ready for forever connections.

And just so you know, because of our adoptions, we now have four “perfect” grandchildren!  (I’m still baffled today how imperfect people can create such beautiful and perfect grandchildren, but it’s true!?!)

God’s best to you, and to the many adoptive families throughout our listening area!

Dick Whitworth

Director of Operations, STAR 99.1


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