Story Behind “Haven’t Seen It Yet” by Danny Gokey

In this week’s Behind The Mic, Danny Gokey shares the story behind his song “Haven’t Seen It Yet.” Maybe you or someone you know is going through struggles right now. If so, we hope you will find hope and encouragement from the words Danny shares in this Behind The Mic.

Story Behind “Haven’t Seen It Yet”

There are a lot of people right now who are going through struggles that seem precisely opposite to what God’s word says we can have. When you’re going through situations like infertility, broken marriages, sickness in your body, going through mental health issues…whatever the situation is, and you read the Word of God and  see the disconnect it’s almost like we feel like “well God is your word true?” But I’ve learned that God is a God of faith. When you’re walking through those seasons what you have to be like Abraham, even though you’re not seeing the promise yet. You have to say what God says about you. Even when you feel different. Even when everything else is screaming a different thing than what God says you are. Faith is how we possess the promises of God. Although Abraham didn’t have a child, he held onto God’s promise that he would be a father of many nations.

Where ever you find yourself if you’re sick. Search God’s word for what it says about sickness. By His stripes, we are healed. If you’re dealing with mental health issues, with fear so to speak, remember that God has not given you a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of sound mind.

You might not be living in that reality, yet, but as you speak God’s Word over yourselves, as you worship, as you begin to declare God’s promises, you will reach the promised land. Things will change. Feelings will change. Everything else has to change under the authority of God’s Word. You’re closer to your promise than you think you are.

– Danny Gokey

“Everything else has to change under the authority of God’s Word. You’re closer to your promise than you think you are.” – Danny Gokey


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1 Comment

  1. Tom Focht on May 21, 2019 at 11:24 am

    Enjoyed the video
    It’s always nice to see the story behind a song

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