When Life Is Painful, But God Is Still Working
Part of my job at STAR is to manage the Prayer Wall. While I love having the opportunity to offer prayer to those who need it, the burden of hearing about all the suffering and loss that people in our community experience sometimes grows heavy. This week alone, I prayed for a parent who has…
Read MoreOne Simple Way To Get Your Day Off To The Best Start
I never quite put together how many other voices I was giving access to my mind even before my feet hit the floor.
Read MoreI Wanted A Miracle, But God Didn’t Give It To Me
God doesn’t always work things out the way we would like Him to, but He is always faithful, loving and working things out for our good.
Read MoreHow The Holy Spirit Is Like A Spider Web
A spider puts itself at great risk without its web. Without its web, a spider is vulnerable. A spider inherently knows the value of its web and so sets out on a mission to build it with the “tools” it has been given. To not access this gift would be to deny the very essence of how the spider was created and designed to both live and thrive.
Read MoreDo You Feel A Million Miles Away from God?
The government has been taking photos of us. A few years ago, NASA’s Cassini Telescope snapped this photo of you and me, as the telescope approached Saturn. The brighter blue dot near the center of the photo is us – planet earth! It’s easy to look at a photo like this and be impressed with…
Read MoreDecisions Decisions!
Setting an eternal mindset and rooting our decisions in His Kingdom is the first and the hardest step. However, God provides us with two ways to help us continue seeking His will in making the wisest decision.
Read MoreSacrificial Love
Lately, I have been walking through a unique season in my life that has me thinking about the nuances of love we don’t often hear about. Yes. Love can be beautiful, fulfilling, and life-giving, but there are seasons when love is simply a challenge — when love is sacrificial love. Last year, my husband and…
Read MoreA Star Signals Hope 🌟
As you pause to read this, the full-on, no holding back, hustle and bustle of Christmas is upon us. Family, friends, eating, parties, presents, car rides, plane trips, cooking, baking, more eating, stockings, endless dishes in the sink, candlelight service at church, kids up at 3:30 AM, “Did we get batteries?”, Christmas wrapping everywhere… all…
Read MoreLetting Go Is Where Life Begins
I wonder, does this happen to you too? For me, I’ll begin to get a sense that God is telling me something, and then I start to see and hear affirmations of it everywhere – words from a loved one, a page from a book I’m just casually glancing at, even street signs! Seemingly, one…
Read MoreBuild Reserves of Courage
Are you courageous in front of your enemies, problems, and challenges?
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