This Is What’s Really Happening When God Allows Trials In Your Life

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God will allow five things to go wrong in your life so that perhaps one great thing can come to fruition, according to His plan. He is always present, guiding you through His Spirit, but our eyes are so often fixated on all the messy wrongs surrounding us that we often lose sight of His sovereignty in the minor details of our life.

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God Is With You in the Midst of Struggles

God is With you in the struggles

I have so much fun talking with you.  Most afternoons, I share “One Truth” on my radio show as a daily dose of hope and inspiration. Not too long ago, I shared one that said, “Never be afraid or embarrassed to struggle! We’ve all been in a struggle. There is absolutely no shame in working hard…

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When Your Plan Isn’t God’s Plan

We had plans. They weren’t fancy— but still…there was a plan.  After work, my husband and I were to take care of some adulting stuff—mapping out finances, thinking through schedules, and making dinner— including the beets and carrots that were freshly harvested from our backyard garden. We went to bed, knowing the next day’s plan…and…

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The One Remaining Question

Questioning who Jesus is to you

Very recently, I read about the latest church-celebrity “I’m-not-a-Christian-anymore” social media post when my insightful friend Sherri asked me a question:  “Hey, did he ever mention Jesus?”  “What?” “Did he mention Jesus in his ‘goodbye’ post? I noticed the last guy didn’t… the celebrity pastor. Did this one mention Jesus?” I skimmed it again.  Why…

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Cast Your Burdens On Your Father

Cast Your Cares on Your Father

How do we react when we feel overwhelmed by problems? How do we respond when we feel discouraged or hopeless?  The past few weeks were especially tough on my family and yours. We all have the 20th anniversary of 9/11, Tropical Storm Ida, COVID-19, Afghanistan, and countless other things on our minds. This was amplified by seeing…

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