Why Do We Punish Ourselves?

There is something weird about us humans. Maybe you’ve noticed. When we do the wrong thing, we know it’s wrong and we want to punish ourselves.

It’s very common across all cultures. There are people who feel like they have to be punished for what they’ve done. If we don’t feel that way, we want to forget what we’ve done or move on from it. Here is some good news. If you believe in Jesus, and what happened at the cross, that’s enough! Yes it was a bloody affair, an awful thing, but there’s not one more thing we have to be punished for, to make up for it. We don’t need to punish ourselves. There are things we can change in our lives to help prevent ourselves from making wrong decisions, so sin doesn’t destroy us or the people around us. That’s good, but the punishment thing… that was taken care of a long time ago. When we finally absorb that, it’s amazing!

Christ has rescued us from the curse pronounced by the law. When he was hung on the cross, he took upon himself the curse for our wrongdoing. Galations 3.13 NLT

Dealing With Our Sin & Brokenness

There is a wonderful thing about the way we’re told to deal with our sin and our brokenness.

Let’s be honest, we know something’s really deeply wrong with the world. People are naturally selfish and we think, “OK.” But the Bible tells us to deal with this, not avoid it. It’s called confession. Confessing is telling someone, who shares your beliefs about who Christ is, and letting them know what happened or what you’ve done. A lot of times we’re looking for a way to deal with the guilt we’re carrying around each day and confession can help do that. You could be reminded that Jesus already paid for it. And in fact, I’ve done it too and that God still loves you and He is not disgusted with you. Just hearing that kind of stuff can be so wonderful. Sometimes, I think we try to self clean, when God’s already done all the work. We do need to tell somebody what’s going on so we can deal with the guilt that’s leftover.

Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results. James 5.16 NLT

Brant Hansen

YouTube: /branthansen
Twitter: @branthansen

This blog post was inspired by Brant Hansen’s Encouraging Thought aired on STAR 93.3. Thank you for listening to STAR 93.3


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