The Beautiful Thing That Happens When We Bring Our Brokenness to God

Repair of crack pottery tea cup with a hand

The first time I learned about Kintsugi, I was captivated. Kintsugi (golden joinery) is an ancient Japanese art form that was birthed from a philosophy that “…treats breakage and repair as part of the history of an object, rather than something to disguise”. Cherished pieces of pottery, porcelain, or ceramics have a story and value. The process…

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Tired Of Carrying Around Low-Grade Guilt?

Tired of Carrying Guilt - Brant Hansen Show

Here’s a theory I have- maybe it’s true for you, or maybe it’s not. I feel like a lot of people are carrying around low-grade guilt all the time. I’m always suspecting deep down that God is disappointed with me. And the reason is that I’m not doing enough.

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