You Need To Use Your Words To Heal, Not Wound

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As many of you know, my wife and I have a teenage daughter. She is a wonderful girl, yet raising her can sometimes be challenging. Those who have/had teenagers can attest to how their moods can change in a flash and how that moodiness can ripple through a family. It’s easy to let a scowl, tone…

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Loved and Sent: A Daily Message of Faith and Purpose

hands releasing a dove into the air

You are loved.  And you are sent! 

The power of those two truths haunted me, in a good way.  It is the essential power and purpose for every follower of Jesus. 

The truth is, you can be loved, but not feel sent!  And you can experience a passion for service, but not know God’s love.

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Embracing Our Divine Assignment: The Call to Serve God

people standing in a line with their arms around each other

When we embrace God’s call to be “In Service”, we experience joy, fulfillment, purpose, and blessings that come from being instruments of His love in the world. 

So, I encourage you to ask yourself, “Where is God calling me to be “In Service?” Let’s heed the call and serve faithfully, for in serving others, we truly serve our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

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