What if fear didn’t stand between you and what you’ve always wanted to do? What could you accomplish or experience? Jasmine Murray says that her song Fearless is born out of real life fear and a realization that God doesn’t want us to be frozen by what we’re afraid of.
Story Behind Fearless by Jasmine Murray
When I went into the session to write this song, I had a panic attack. I’ve suffered with anxiety for a while and it was something I kind of wanted to write about. Initially that day, I didn’t intend to write the song Fearless. But, I broke down right there with the other writers and producers in the room. It was a really crazy experience because it challenged me to be vulnerable. After I got myself together, I made the choice to put my cards on the table and say, “Hey this is what I’m dealing with. This is what I’m going through. It’s real and it’s really hard.” We ended up writing Fearless and I feel like it’s one of those songs that a lot of people will connect with, whether you suffer from anxiety or not.
Fear is something that everyone has felt at one time or another in their life. But you don’t have to struggle with fear for the rest of your life. Fear doesn’t have to be what defines you.
God has called us to be fearless and He’s called us to be bold. Know that you can overcome anything.
“The song Fearless is such a strong declaration of understanding what it means to overcome fear and what it means to truly be bold & fearless. It’s a message that I want people to listen to and know that they can overcome anything.” – Jasmine Murray
Thanks for making this song. I have pcos and anxiety is one of the things I battle with. This song has helped me in the past month… I could keep going on and on with my battles, but thanks for singing about your battles. I can’t wait to buy this album! I’ve been listing to it on youtube 🙂
Carol thank you for sharing and we’re praying for you!
I love this song and will be sharing it with my daughters.
After 25+ years at the same job and now it’s coming to an end due to organization changes, this song is what I needed to hear. I’m not sure where I will go from here or what I will do but I want to do something more meaningful. Praying for guidance and fearlessness.
We’ll be praying for you Vanessa. God knows exactly what He’s doing, be fearless 😉
Starting a new venture as a technology start up in the world of millennials can be daunting. Fear is the enemy that can keep us from achieving our dreams and the desires of our heart. We are taunted by satan not to believe in ourselves and our truth. I am pushing through those erroneous lies and standing on the Word of God.
We’ll be praying for you, Elle. Be fearless!
Jasmine Murray, thank you for writing this song. It has inspired me to become a singer for god. You are my inspirer, Jasmine Murray.
I had the volume down low on my way to the beach water park, when all of the sudden I heard Jasmine Murray. My mouth dropped and all I could say is God is this who I think it is? Over and over again. Looked her up and it was, she is from my home town of Starkville Mississippi, I’m so glad she is making it in the big time. One day I hope to meet her.