Does Prayer Change What God Does? Why Your Prayers MATTER.

Does prayer change what God does?


Yes, it does, if the Bible is to be believed.

And the Bible is to be believed.

There are so many examples, but try Exodus 32. God tells Moses that He’s going to destroy the Israelites because of their idol worship.

But Moses intervenes and talks God out of it. In the King James Version, God “repents” in v. 14. (Look it up!) In the New Living Translation, it’s “changed his mind”.

All because Moses faithfully interacted with him.

It happens again and again in scripture, like in Jonah 3. God calls an audible (again, the translations are “repented” and “relented” and “changed His mind”.)

Please notice there’s something very consistent and very beautiful about this: First, God allows us to talk with him, and that talk we have with him means something to him. Second, when he goes a new direction, that direction is always toward mercy.

God wants us to interact with Him.

Your prayers MATTER.

You are not talking to a computer. God has a personality. He’s looking to partner with us in this world. He’s waiting for us to engage him.

Waiting for you, even. Right now.

Brant Hansen
Midday Show Host, STAR 93.3


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Brant Hansen


  1. Grace Waddle on January 23, 2025 at 11:20 am

    AWESOME Brant!
    The power of prayer is so AMAZING! We have all seen and many of us experienced how powerful prayer is and how God can choose to change His mind and change our destiny. I had a medical crisis in 2023 and the doctors were ready to give me up when all of the prayer warriors I know across the US asked Him to heal me. I am alive, thriving and sharing my story and His love every day! His desire is for us is to come to Him with our needs and requests, in PRAYER, and He sometimes changes His mind and our lives! THAT IS HOW MUCH HE LOVES US!!

    Sure do miss you and Sheri in the morning! Having a hard time waking up not hearing the voices of my favorite people!!
    God Bless

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