I came across a scripture that validated something I’ve been thinking about for 2025 and maybe it will spark something in you, too?
Here it is:
“They were continually and faithfully devoting themselves to the instruction of the apostles, and to fellowship, to eating meals together and to prayers.” – Acts 2:42 (AMP)
I’ve been thinking…I’m going to start taking members of my church out to eat.
I can’t cook or I’d bring them to my home. But the smell of burnt pork chops wafting in the air has got to have a negative effect on fellowship.
But I don’t think the key is me cooking. I think the key is to get to know someone beyond sitting next to them in a sanctuary or auditorium. I think we can agree you don’t get to know a person that way at all.
In fact, what we call “attending church” could subjectively be thought of as the first and last part of this verse:
“Devoting themselves to the instruction…” & “Prayers”
That’s all congregational and done within the assembly, but the ‘fellowship/breaking bread’ part can’t really be done there. And if you’re like me, you have a tendency to show up, receive (or serve if on staff), at the end give a customary ‘God bless you’ or “So good to see you” and then we’re straight to our car, home, and, if statistics are true, our isolation.
The fact of the matter is people are lonely. Single, married, kids, no kids, thriving career, struggling financially—it doesn’t matter where they may find themselves on the continuum of American life, people are just plain lonely.
And if the church is what it says it is…how could loneliness ever find a place with us? How could it even be possible when there are at least 100 ‘one anothers’ found in the scriptures we say we hold so dear?
That’s a lofty question. And it’s also at best worthless and at worst accusatory if I don’t position myself to be part of the answer to the problem I have identified.
So I’m doing it. Every month, I’m asking random church folk out to eat with me and my mama.
I don’t know where we’re going yet. But I plan to make an effort to know people this year.
Maybe this is too big a step for you. I get it. I’m an extrovert and my mama is a natural-born inquirer, so conversation doesn’t frighten us in the least.
So, maybe asking people to dinner or inviting them to your home is not where you are right now. But how about this:
In 2025, someone is going to ask you to coffee.
In 2025, someone is going to invite you to a get-together.
In 2025, someone is going to want to have dinner with you.
I think we’ll all be better for it. I think we’ll all grow. I think in the midst of a lonely, fearful, anxious culture, we have the opportunity to shine and show true familial relationships through Jesus.
“By this everyone will know that you are My disciples, if you have love and unselfish concern for one another.” – John 13:35 (AMP)
It’s time to be honest and say we just can’t get this done in a 65-minute ‘worship’ service, friends.
It’s gonna take a little more sacrifice…a little more obedience.
I’m game! Are you?
Sherri Lynn
Midday Show Host, STAR 93.3
What a thoughtful thing to do, and it is Biblical.