Just to be personal…
I have seen things that I wish I hadn’t seen. I’ve absorbed a lot of dumb stuff and thought about a lot of dumb stuff and wrong stuff and hurtful stuff, and my brain has had all this happening over the decades.
What I love, though, is that scripture about how you can be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
There’s a state that we can go back to that is much like new, like it’s supposed to be. Even though I’ve had all that happen, it’s not the last word. There is a renewing process. I can be more joyful, more at peace, in spite of all the stuff I’ve allowed myself to see and think about over the years.
It’s good news.
It’s not over here. There’s a childlikeness, and I mean that, not childish, but a childlikeness that can be really joyful.
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This blog post was inspired by The Brant Hansen Show, aired on STAR 93.3.