Phil Wickham’s Hymn of Heaven Devotional Series: “Look to Jesus” [Day 10]

There are so many distractions in life – so many things that pull us away from what’s truly valuable. But when we set our hearts and minds on Jesus first, everything else falls into place.

In today’s devotional, Phil Wickham shares with us some practical steps on how to do that, based on the song “Look to Jesus“.

(Just joining us for the series? Start with Day 1.)

phil wickham hymn of heaven album cover

There is nothing in this life that is not changed for the better when seen through the lens of Jesus. In our fear, we can remember His perfect love displayed upon the cross that has already overcome. In our brokenness, we can look to His healing power. In the storms of life, we can look to Him as the voice that commands the wind and waves. In the face of death, we can see Him as our resurrection. The trial becomes an opportunity for His power and faithfulness to be shown. The need will once again reveal Him as the provider. The joys and triumphs will point to Him as the giver of all good things. The beautiful sunsets and the glorious night sky seen through Him will once again awaken our hearts to His beauty and how He placed it all there to cause our hearts to wonder at His glory.

If this is the case, why do we fail to see through the lens of Jesus so often? On one occasion, Jesus pulled a blind man away from a crowd and the gospel of Mark records a two-step healing of this man’s sight. This has left many puzzled. Why two steps? One of the reasons is simply that that is how it happened, pointing toward the historical accuracy of the text. The second is that in the following section, Jesus pointed out the inability of the disciples to fully see the ministry of Jesus. Thirdly, we see that Jesus doesn’t want us to see halfway but is relentlessly committed to our full and total wholeness. “Again Jesus placed his hands on the man’s eyes. The man looked intently and his sight was restored and he saw everything clearly” (Mark 8:25). Also, notice that the “man looked intently” and then his sight was restored. I wonder how much would change simply by looking intently at Jesus and through the lens of Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.

Here are a couple ways to let Jesus be your lens:

1. Rather than looking to and through your career, your relationships, your education, the economy, etc. for the ways in which you see life, look to Jesus. Let him be your lens.

2. Be intentional about what you physically look at. It has never been easier to be distracted by what we see. Try turning off your screen and go look at the beauty of creation, the face of a loved one, the blessings around you, and give thanks to the Giver.

The things of this world will never satisfy. When we look to other sources to fill us up and to use as a “lens”, we will only be disappointed when they fail us. Putting Jesus first and looking to Him for all we need is the only way to find true joy.

What are some intentional ways that you look to Jesus on a daily basis?

Not a reader? Watch today’s devotional on YouTube instead:

View the whole series

DAY 1: Battle Belongs

DAY 2: Hymn of Heaven

DAY 3: House of the Lord

DAY 4: It’s Always Been You

DAY 5: Where I’m Standing Now

DAY 6: Reason I Sing

DAY 7: His Name Is Jesus

DAY 8: 1,000 Names

DAY 9: Falling In Love

DAY 10: Look to Jesus

DAY 11: God of Revival

DAY 12: Heart Full of Praise


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  1. VivianA on October 8, 2022 at 4:08 am

    Amen. Thank you for this. Thank you Jesus.

  2. VivianA. Day on October 8, 2022 at 4:26 am

    This devotional message brings me to feeling fine and all right that I go to a place where I sense , feel and see the presence of the Lord at times, and am in wonderment over His Creation ,and see Him in some of the amazing sky lights and rays that I know within are the presence of the Lord that become present at times when I am led to look up. There was a time at home in Cali., when at a family home from church, in the backyard, and was looking up at the amazing star formation that could only be from God , and said something quietly like , amazing, or, His amazing creation, while gazing up at the stars , and someone said I was weird for that , for looking to the stars and seeing, being in wonder of God for the unusual formation I was witnessing. Thank you so truly for this devotional.

    • Melinda Bridgman on October 10, 2022 at 9:22 am

      God absolutely shows His power through creation, and He loves when we marvel at it! It’s a wonder that there are those who look at the stars and AREN’T in awe of what He’s done.

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