Phil Wickham’s Hymn of Heaven Devotional Series: “His Name Is Jesus” [Day 7]

No matter where we are or what we’re doing, God is always with us. Not only that, but because He came to earth in human form he understands every single one of our trials and struggles. We serve a God who can empathize with us.

In day 7 of this 12-part series, Phil Wickham shares how his new song “His Name Is Jesus” can remind us of that.

(Just joining us for the series? Start with Day 1.)

phil wickham hymn of heaven album cover

I think the first line of this song may be my favorite. “The King is in the room.” Lately, it has become increasingly clear to me how this statement is always true. God is with us. Last Christmas, I thought a lot about the name Emmanuel, which means “God with us.” This is a beautiful truth to remember: how He came and met us right where we were at. He breathed air and walked our ground. But the more I processed this name Emmanuel, the bigger it became to me. Yes, God came physically near to us 2,000 years ago. But He came near in every other way as well. He is “God with us” in all things. Do you feel hated? He knows what that feels like. Have you been betrayed? Jesus says, “I am right here with you.” Are you lonely, sorrowful, persecuted, in pain? Jesus knows exactly what you’re going through. He is the God who understands. He understands your need and knows how to meet it. He is Emmanuel.

Not only does the nearness of Jesus bring us comfort because He is able to “empathize with our weaknesses” (Heb. 4:14), but it also brings boldness. Yes, this King sits enthroned on high, but Hebrews 4 tells us that this throne is marked by grace, and that we may approach it with boldness! “Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need” (Heb. 4:15-16). This passage draws our heart into the tensions that the King of all the universe is both more powerful than we could ever imagine, and yet at the same time, more intimately sympathetic than we could ever dream. Who is this King? His name is Jesus.

Some things to consider today to help cultivate an awareness of the presence of King Jesus:

  1. What are some areas in your life where you feel “nobody understands this”? Invite Jesus to come be with you in that intimate place. Remember you are not alone. You never were. You never will be.
  2. Remember that Jesus is not only empathetic towards us but He is also powerful in us and through us. Don’t let your circumstances diminish your faith in the enormous strength of our God. Pray and invite Him to move powerfully today.
  3. When you pray and when you worship, enter into God’s presence with boldness!

Jesus is King of the universe, but we have the privilege of calling Him friend. He knows and understands us more intimately than any human being possibly could. Let us never forget how wonderful that truth is!

When Is a Time That You’ve Felt the presence and understanding of Jesus in a difficult season? Tell us in the comments!

Not a reader? Watch today’s devotional on YouTube instead!

View the whole series

DAY 1: Battle Belongs

DAY 2: Hymn of Heaven

DAY 3: House of the Lord

DAY 4: It’s Always Been You

DAY 5: Where I’m Standing Now

DAY 6: Reason I Sing

DAY 7: His Name Is Jesus

DAY 8: 1,000 Names

DAY 9: Falling In Love

DAY 10: Look to Jesus

DAY 11: God of Revival

DAY 12: Heart Full of Praise


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  1. Dawn on August 7, 2022 at 10:16 am

    My journey through unwanted, unstoppable and difficult divorce. God patiently waited for me to get that only He could keep the promise of never leaving me or forsaking me. Even during my angry and unloving state towards Him, He never left me. His name is Jesus. The love of my life, my Savior.
    These devotions have truly been a blessing.
    Thank you. God bless.

    • star933 on August 8, 2022 at 6:26 am

      Thank you for sharing! What a beautiful lesson to learn in spite of your suffering.

  2. VivianA on September 13, 2022 at 12:04 am

    Thank you truly , from precept upon precept within.

  3. VivianA on September 13, 2022 at 12:24 am

    In answer to the question above the Devotional video; When is a time that you have felt the presence and understanding of Jesus in a difficult (time).? When I was illegally detained at the finish of a one day mission trip, held captive , starved , and more , for over a month , I had said a prayer that God always provides a way of escape in the time of trouble upon coming close to leaving the earth ,Jesus showed up, the Glory of the Lord Himself to me , in the room they kept me in; a few days later someone came in the night and ordered me out of the cold, stark, dank cubicle, -, and then heard the voice of one single man, who I had prayed for , calling my name in the vast place of labyrinths…who, it soon was made clear to me , had secretly worked on coordinating and appointing a few men to work in tandum for my release one evening.; through this man, the Lord Jesus orchestrated my release. Because of the Lord Jesus, my Lord with a capital L, and Savior, King of kings, am alive and here on earth today.

    • Melinda Bridgman on September 13, 2022 at 10:45 am

      Wow, what an incredible story! Thank you for sharing. We’re so glad the Lord brought you through that trial.

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